Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Basic Algebra (Who Wrote it?)

1. Discourse de La Méthode ( Discourse on the Method ), 1637
By: René Descartes

2. Analytical Institutions, 1748
By: Maria Agnesi

3. An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, 1854
By: George Boole

4. Playing with infinity: Mathematical Explorations and Excursions, 1961
By: Rozsa Peter

5. Artis Analyticae Praxis ( Practice of the Analytic Art ), 1631
By: Thomas Harriot

6. The Whetstone of Witte, 1557
By: Robert Recorde

7. Teusche Algebra, 1659
By: Johann Rahn

8. Algebra, 1550
By: Raphael Bombelli

9. Clavis Mathematicae, 1631
By: William Oughtred

10. Al-Bahir fi'l-hisab ( The shining Book of Calculation), 1144
By: ibn yanya al-Samaw'al

11. Complete Introduction to Algebra, 1770
By: Leonhard Euler

12. Hisab al-jabr wa'l-muqabala ( The Science of Reunion and Reduction), about 825
By: Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi

13. Shushu juizhang ( Mathematical Treatise in Nine Sections), 1247
By: Qin Jiushao

14. Arithmetica Integra, 1544
By: Michael Stifel

15. In artem analyticem isagoge ( Introduction to the Analytic Art), 1591
By: Francois Viète

16. A Description on the Wonderful Law of Logarithms, 1614
By: John Napier

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